"jabong.com" is the one of the top rated e-commerce in india. it is the biggest acquisition in the history of indian e-commerce.the acquisition was pegged at $360 million only between "Flipkart.com" and Myntra is
Currently Flikart and Myntra with a combined share of 50% controls the market while jabong controls the 25% of market and others such as Zovi,Limeroad,Fationnara,the rest.Flipkart bought the Myntra for the reason of Focusing on Fashion as a category .it is huge potential for the top lines and margins.so Flipkart is ruling the indian e-commerce .As the reason Amazon plan's to buy jabong.com,to face off Flipkart.com.
on another side Alibaba.com watching Snapdeal.com very closely, and a deal breakthrough ant time now.
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