Explain About Features Of Java Language

Features Of Java Language


Java is the language that has become most successful and popular because of its features. Below are the Main Features of the Java Language.

      1. Platform Independent
      2. Object-Oriented Programming Language
      3. Compiled and Interpreted
      4. Multi-Threaded
      5. Dynamic Programming Language
      6. Simple, small, and familiar
      7. Robust and Secure
      8. Distributed
      9. High Performance

Platform Independent 

  • The java programs compiled on one operating system can be transferred and executed on any Operating System without modifications. This can be achieved through an application called “Java Virtual Machine” or simply JVM. This can be achieved as follows.
  • Once we create the java source code, we compile it using Java Compiler. The compiler then creates something called Java Byte code. This byte code can be copied and executed anywhere i.e., even on mobile phones also. Thus, Java is also called an “Architecture Neutral” Language.

Object-Oriented Programming Language

  •  Java is the only language that is a pure object-oriented. That is, every concept of OOP is supported by Java. Also, it is noted that even the main () function should be defined under a class.

Compiled and Interpreted

  • Java is a language that provides both compilation and interpretation of programs. Once java program is created, it is compiled by Java Compiler. This compiled code (Byte code) can be executed by using Java Interpreter.


  • Using this feature, Java supports “Multitasking”. Multitasking is the concept of executing multiple jobs simultaneously. Multitasking improves the CPU and Main Memory Utilization.

Dynamic Programming Language

  • This is also one of the important features that made Java popular. Assume that in a program, we created 100 functions. In no case, all the functions are executed. But, in languages like C, whether required or not, all the functions are loaded into memory which results in wastage of memory.
  • But, in Java, until you call a function, it is not loaded into memory. The functions are loaded only when they are called (i.e. at run-time).

Simple, small, and familiar

  • Java program is easy to build and implement when compared to languages like ‘C’ and ‘C++’ because most of the concepts in these languages in which people felt difficult and confusing are eliminated in Java. Also, the concepts in C and C++ which programmers felt comfortable are included in Java.
  • Java is a small programming language and therefore it requires less memory and less time to load and install. Because of its sophisticated features, Java has become familiar.

Robust and Secure

  • As a robust Language, Java provides many safeguards to ensure reliable code. It also provides an exception handling concept to handle logical errors that make a system crash.
  •  As a secured Language, Java ensures that programs cannot gain access to memory locations without proper authorization.


  • Java is a Distributed Language for creating networking applications. It has the ability to share both data and programs. 
  • Java applications provide mechanisms to open and access objects remotely.

High Performance

  • Java architecture is designed to reduce overheads during run-time. Also, the concept of multithreading in Java increases the execution speed of Java Programs.

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