How to Setup Free SSLFor Wordpress with Cloudfare

SSLFor Wordpress


Hello Readers! Today I am sharing the most wanted tutorial. Everyone who knows about HTTPS or SSL requires this tutorial. The person who won’t be able to purchase or unable to pay will now get their WordPress secured with SSL. SSL stands for Secure socket layer which provides a Protected outlet part where it makes a Secured web link between your web server and a web browser and SSL is also commonly known as HTTPS. Many Blog writers are not using SSL because it’s an expensive thing. But there is a CDN (Content Distribution Network) that provides a 100 % free SSL but most of us don’t know how to stimulate it on our Sites and Weblogs that operate WordPress CMS. So today i gonna share a tutorial about how to install a free ssl certificate on your WordPress blog. Look out below guide to get free SSL.

Steps To Setup Free SSL For WordPress With Cloudflare

  1. Before activating it in your blog, you have to first create a free account on
  2. Now after creating an account on --> login into your account.
  3. Navigate to the “Websites” section at the top  --> Now at that place enter your “WordPress Blog Url“.
  4. Now click on the “+ Add Website” button. And wait till Cloudflare did do work for you.
  5. It will take few minutes to analyze your website’s DNS / Domain Records and then you have to click on “Continue Setup“.
  6. Now scroll at the below of that page and click on the button that says “I’ve added all missing records, Continue“.
  7. Select “Free Plan” and then move on to the next steps.
  8. Now “Modify and make changes in your name server“, it will take approx 1hr – 24hr to apply changes in DNS. So wait for 1hr – 24hrs.

Note:- Also make sure you check your email through which you had registered your Cloudflare account. They will send you a confirmation message that “your site is now added“.

Now click on the “Settings icon” at the right side of your domain name in your Cloudflare account to apply free SSL for WordPress. Look out below image.

  1. Now then you have to Search for SSL inside the settings page, Once you’re on the SSL already.
  2. Click on the Dropdown area and select Flexible SSL. A confirmation pop message will appear on the top left corner of the Cloudflare site.
  3. After doing that, Click again the settings Icon on the right of your domain name. Then Click “Page Rules“.
  4. Now Add your domain with HTTP:// e.g. then Turn On Always Use HTTPS. Then click on “Add Rule“.
  5. Now it’s time to set up SSL for WordPress. So just log in to your WordPress Admin dashboard >> Install plugin “Cloudflare Flexible SSL“.
  6. Yeah, now you finished it. You can now see the HTTPS secure URL on your website address instead of old and unsecured HTTP after waiting for 1hr to 24hrs.

Note:- If you won't see any changes in your site URL, then make sure to comment below. I will help you to solve your problem.

What Free SSL Cert. Will Provide You

After installing this free SSL for WordPress, you will get a chance to increase your search engine optimization, also your blog will be secured, and much more. Find all advantages of SSL on Now friends it’s time to share this trick with your social friends, also share as much possible as you can. Happy blogging friends and enjoy

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