SEO Expert Gives Wrong Advice

 I was looking for an SEO podcast to listen to and I found several which weren’t really helpful, but I really wanted to point out this one. It was a podcast by Scott Paton in which a guest speaker, the “SEO Champion” Mike Rotkin, was speaking.

SEO Expert Gives Wrong Advice

 I skipped to around 18 minutes when Mike was talking about PageRank – because I don’t like listening to introductions – and these are some direct quotes I heard when Mike was talking about PageRank:

  • It’s gonna be used for people to know reputability. (talking about PageRank)
  • If you add posts every single day – six days a week… (talking about how to increase PageRank)
  • PageRank updates happen 4 times a year as reported by Google
  • so they either move you up or you get docked (talking about effects of Pagerank updates)
  • and you either go up or you lose the keywords you had (talking about effects of PageRank updates)

The biggest thing that helps your page rank is your domain age and you know renewing your domain and consistently, consistently blogging…

After hearing this talk about PageRank I couldn’t listen to any more of this podcast. I want to use this as an example to show everyone that people who seem very knowledgeable and reputable can really have no idea what they’re talking about. In my opinion, Pagerank is one of the easiest things to understand, but this “SEO expert” seems to have made up everything he said about it. He didn’t even mention that links are what make Pagerank rise and fall. I don’t know how I could listen to the rest of the podcast if I know it could all be lies. This is just to show you that some of the biggest SEO experts can have no idea what they’re talking about, so be careful with choosing an SEO consultant. Mike Rotkin owns a website for SEO consultation, link building, and SEO training, so I thought this would be a perfect example to show how wrong some of these experts are and to remind everyone to be careful when picking an SEO service.

Now I’m going to go through each of his quotes above and explain why they are wrong.

  1. PageRank is not something a robot puts on a webpage when it decides reputability. A page with no links won’t have a high PageRank and a page with many high-quality links will have a high PageRank. It’s possible to have a great site with a low PageRank and it’s possible to have a bad page with a high PageRank.
  2. Posting frequently or infrequently has nothing to do with your PageRank. Pagerank is solely from links.
  3. I don’t think Google has reported anything like this. We see changes in the PageRank which shows in our toolbar around 4 times a year, but the actual PageRank that Google assigns to a page and uses in ranking is changing all the time.
  4. There is no sudden change in ranking when you see your PageRank rise or fall. The PageRank that Google sees and uses is different from what we see in the toolbar. The toolbar only shows what the PageRank was during the last time there was a “PageRank update”. The PageRank Google sees is always changing. Same as above.
  5. And the last one is probably the worst way this SEO expert could have humiliated himself. He goes on to explain what affects PageRank and he says domain age, fresh content, etc. He never mentions links.

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